Fionn seems to be settling into the routine of meeting me there after getting off the school bus and while I am tired getting myself there after work, I am energized just being in the place. Just as well, as I have butterflies to make and projects to finish for my class. We are on break for the next two weeks and so I am hoping to have my portfolio book whipped into shape and my final projects in completion stage. One is finished (will take a pic and post tomorrow as light is too poor now) and needs to be mounted somehow for display and I am in the middle of t
he second piece that has to be 3-D. I sketched a dried egg pod of some kind that I found on the beach. It has rather grape-like clusters and I love the form of it. I finished the piece of felt that will be the top piece and I dyed the wool that will be the back side. I need to make small wool beads to simulate the egg pods, but it's taking shape.
I am off the fags for five weeks now! I am not looking for them really, but the real test is going out and having a drink. That's when I always crave one. Still, I am doing pretty good. All the worst withdrawal symptoms are over, so I can get on with other things like trying to shift some weight. Sigh. It sounds so easy and yet....
Certainly I should be too busy to eat. I know I will get used to going non-stop, but for now I am getting into bed very tired. I wake around 630am, up by 715am, make lunches and get Fionn organized and off to school, get me ready and work at 10am-2pm, go home and grab bits and head to studio. Fionn shows up at 3pm eats and does his homework. I work 3-5pm in the studio and then its time to head home to dinner, lighting the fire, cleaning, and getting laundry sorted. Thanks God the kids are o
ff for the next two weeks and I won't have to worry about the normal routine.
The weather is turning warmer by night and we aren't getting dark til almost 730pm. My daffodils look great, the ones the children haven't stomped. Fionn knows better, but every visiting child seems to have a go at them. My flower beds are clogged with weeds and having the studio will not get it sorted. I am going to have to get someone to help.
But in the meantime, look at our mountains! This is the view out our back door. The foothills are slow to green this year because we had a lot of hard frost, but we are finally into real spring weather. Sparkling days and crisp nights--we should all be sleeping like babies!
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